Friday, November 13, 2009

quote from PROFIT ep. PILOT

well you can't expect everyone to like you
and you can't expect everything to work out exactly the way you plan it
because life is full of surprises
you never really know what's around the corner
but if you do the best you can, and give 100%
then you can go to sleep with a clear conscience
what you didn't win today
you can always win tomorrow
and remember, never lose sight of your goals
because there are some people who really worth an extra time and effort
and in the end i believe if you work hard enough
everyone comes around

8-> profit mang kerrrrreeennn ...kapan g bisa dapet dvdnya ya??????

medan part 1

cobain es krim di tip top

cafe-cafe di merdeka walk
kantor BI medan

Thursday, September 03, 2009

panic room

ampyun deh bos g...
kemaren bilang yang ini, sekarang bilang yang itu
kemaren bilang begini, sekarang bilang begitu
yang ini, yang itu, sebenernya yang manaaa....:p
panic-panic-panic ahhh...
yang ini, yang itu, begini, begitu...g juga yang ngerjain...
maunya selese hari ini juga...
ampyunn, i'm not superman! trai deh...walopun seperti kata jason mraz "eeeeasier saaaiiiiiddd, eeasier than dooonnee..." plis dont tell me that it's easy

somehow it's done ...but where r u now? u've already gone home

gataw ya, saya sampe tremor bisa langsung pulang deh..istirahat dulu biar ga jatuh di jalan.

Ya Allah semoga tidak sia-sia, amien. [-o<

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

saykkoji - you copy my style

yang lagi rame nih...soal kebiasaan tetangga sebelah yang bikin panas ati.
reaksi kreatif dari saykoji yang ngajak kita buat bereaksi dengan hal-hal yang positif. check the video on youtube

semoga sukses mister

mulai 2 september 2009, ranieri resmi membesut as roma menggantikan spaletti. grazie mister for what u have done for juve, n good luck for you. semoga sukses mister!

there is also a new recruit for juve..fabio grosso, he is now a juventus player. makin banyak deh skuad timnas italy dari juve.
Juve è la fidanzata d'Italia ;)

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

kimi spa 2009

sebelum pulang, pengen mejeng picnya kimi, jagoan g...

2 days in a row....

meeting again and again..puyeng niy...nyut-nyutan kpala g :(
bisa tenggo ga ya? ...

hectic mode on

suddenly missya...

pulang tenggo...bisakah?

bulan baru hari baru...welcome september
puasa hari ke-11. hari ini rencana mo pulang tenggo..but we'll see, bisa ga ya? 8-> *daydreaming*

Monday, August 31, 2009


kmrn iseng-iseng coba kamera barunya wilce, ini nih hasilnya...

ga bisa tenggo

well, keknya today is meeting day... sehari 3 kali :p udah kek minum obat aja yak.
and as the effect of the meeting is... jadwal pulang jadi delay nih alias ga bisa tenggo, padahal g dah ada janji...terpaksa direschedule deh...
anyway, semoga apa yang g kerjain hari ini bermanfaat... amien.
waks, g masih harus mampir nih...harus buru-buru pulang kalo ga mau buka di jalan...bye...

after meeting

baru saja rapat... bahas anything, but most of all... about pajak. repot juga ya berurusan dengan orang pajak??
satu lagi tambahan kerjaan
dua lagi...jadi tiga deh...
begini nih kalo habis rapat...siap-siap tambah kerjaan...
suasana puasa dan g ngantuk bangetszzZzzzz......puuhh...zzZzzzz

2.5 outta 3 ... i'm happy

watta wiken it was... semua jagoan g tampil...dari kimi di F1 belgia, juve di serieA, dan dani pedrosa di motogp. untungnya jadwalnya gada yang bentrok.
F1 Qualifying: kimi takes 6th place (i have a good feeling that kimi will make it up)
Motogp: before the race, it all perfect for dani... always be the fastest in free practice and will start from pole after perfect qualifying. *gataw knp g malah punya feeling yg ga enak
ttg ini (khawatir dani jadi over pd)*
F1 Race: feeling g ternyata terbukti.... kimi wins the race (his first since april 2008) i'm happy
Roma vs juve (srigala vs nyonya tua): ended 1 - 3 with outstanding performance by diego . i'm happy
finally motogp: g dah berharap banyak dani dapat melanjutkan performance dia sepanjang wiken ini, tapi sayangnya... dia jatuh di lap-lap awal... untungnya dia bisa ngelanjutin balapan ... masih bisa bawa pulang 6 point. just half happy...andai saja...8-> tapi mau gimana lagi ya...
yang penting dia ga cedera ... :D
after all ... i'm 2.5 outta 3 i'm happy... next time should be better

Friday, August 28, 2009

jason mraz-please don't tell her

I hear she's kicking ass across the board and rock two hundred thousand higher scorer
Just in time to save the world of being taken over
She's a warrior
I couldn't play again because the game it never end it never even landed on the can
And never let me in to spend my quarter
There's no love for me no more

Say it isn't so
How she easily come, and she easy go
Please don't tell her that I've been meaning to miss her
Because I don't

She was the girl with the broadest shoulders
But she would die before I crawled over them
She is taller than I am
She knew I wouldn't mind the view there
Or the altitude with a mouth full of air
She let me down the doubt came out until the now became later

Say that it isn't so
How she easily come, how she easy go
Please don't tell her that
'Cause she don't really need to know

That I'm crazy like the rest of us
And I'm crazier when I'm next to her

So why after the all of everything that came and went
I care enough to still be singing of the bitter end and broken eras
I told you I don't but
I am only trying to be the best with my intent to cure
The rest is sure to lay me ease the plural hurts of the words of reverse psychology
That's easier said
Easier than done
Please don't dare tell her what I've become
Please don't mention all the attention I have drawn
Please don't bother cause she'll feel guilty when I'm gone

Because I'm crazy like the rest of us
But I'm crazier when I'm next to her
And it's amazing how she's so self-assured
But I know she'd hate me if she knew my words
Do I hurt anymore
Do I hurt, well
I don't
I don't
I don't

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

makan siang... ga berasa... berasa panaas doang suasananya, karna mo ujan
kepala masih nyut-nyutan gara2 lari-lari biar ga telat...kabarnya, g masih on time which meams almost telat.
oh no........ this routine getting me crazy

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

waaa...setelah sekian lamaa...(berapa lama ya??? ;;))
kembali karaokean...puas deh teriak-teriak, hasrat jadi tarzan yg tak kesampean :p

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sepasang Bola Mata ini untukmu

sharing cerita dari milis. thx buat siapapun yang menulisnya...mengingatkan kita untuk selalu bersyukur...
semoga bermanfaat buat yang baca...

Ada seorang gadis buta yang membenci dirinya sendiri karena kebutaannya itu.
Tidak hanya terhadap dirinya sendiri, tetapi dia juga membenci semua orang kecuali kekasihnya.
Kekasihnya selalu ada disampingnya untuk menemani dan menghiburnya.
Dia berkata akan menikahi kekasihnya hanya jika dia bisa melihat dunia.

Suatu hari, ada seseorang yang mendonorkan sepasang mata kepadanya sehingga dia bisa melihat semua hal, termasuk kekasihnya.
Kekasihnya bertanya, "Sekarang kamu bisa melihat dunia. Apakah kamu mau menikah denganku?"
itu terguncang saat melihat bahwa kekasihnya ternyata buta. Dia menolak untuk menikah dengannya.

Kekasihnya pergi dengan air mata mengalir, dan kemudian menulis sepucuk surat singkat kepada gadis itu,
"Sayangku, tolong jaga baik-baik mata saya."

* * * * *
Kisah di atas memperlihatkan bagaimana pikiran manusia berubah saat status dalam hidupnya berubah.
Hanya sedikit orang yang ingat bagaimana keadaan hidup sebelumnya dan
lebih sedikit lagi yang ingat terhadap siapa harus berterima kasih karena telah menyertai dan
menopang bahkan di saat yang paling menyakitkan.

Hidup adalah anugerah

Hari ini sebelum engkau berpikir untuk mengucapkan kata-kata kasar -
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang tidak bisa berbicara.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh mengenai cita rasa makananmu -
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang tidak punya apapun untuk dimakan.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang suami atau isterimu -
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang menangis kepada Tuhan meminta pasangan hidup.

Hari ini sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang hidupmu -
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang begitu cepat pergi ke surga.

Sebelum engkau mengeluh tentang anak-anakmu -
Ingatlah akan seseorang yang begitu mengaharapkan kehadiran seorang anak, tetapi tidak mendapatnya.

Sebelum engkau bertengkar karena rumahmu yang kotor, dan tidak ada yang membersihkan atau menyapu lantai -
Ingatlah akan orang gelandangan yang tinggal di jalanan.

Sebelum merengek karena harus menyopir terlalu jauh -
Ingatlah akan sesorang yang harus berjalan kaki untuk menempuh jarak yang sama.
Dan ketika engkau lelah dan mengeluh tentang pekerjaanmu -
Ingatlah akan para penganguran, orang cacat dan mereka yang menginginkan pekerjaanmu.

Sebelum engkau menuding atau menyalahkan orang lain -
Ingatlah bahwa tidak ada seorang pun yang tidak berdosa dan kita harus menghadap pengadilan Tuhan.

Dan ketika beban hidup tampaknya akan menjatuhkanmu -
Pasanglah senyuman di wajahmu dan berterima kasihlah pada Tuhan karena engkau masih hidup dan ada di dunia ini.

Hidup adalah anugerah, jalanilah, nikmatilah, rayakan dan isilah itu.


Friday, January 16, 2009

WE WILL NOT GO DOWN (Song for Gaza)

(Composed by Michael Heart)
Copyright 2009

A blinding flash of white light
Lit up the sky over Gaza tonight
People running for cover
Not knowing whether they’re dead or alive

They came with their tanks and their planes
With ravaging fiery flames
And nothing remains
Just a voice rising up in the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

Women and children alike
Murdered and massacred night after night
While the so-called leaders of countries afar
Debated on who’s wrong or right

But their powerless words were in vain
And the bombs fell down like acid rain
But through the tears and the blood and the pain
You can still hear that voice through the smoky haze

We will not go down
In the night, without a fight
You can burn up our mosques and our homes and our schools
But our spirit will never die
We will not go down
In Gaza tonight

taken from :

thank you Michael

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Look Into My Eyes

by Outlandish

Look into my eyes
Tell me what you see
You don't see a damn thing
'cause you can't relate to me
You're blinded by our differences
My life makes no sense to you
I'm the persecuted one
You're the red, white and blue

Each day you wake in tranquility
No fears to cross your eyes
Each day I wake in gratitude
Thanking God He let me rise
You worry about your education
And the bills you have to pay
I worry about my vulnerable life
And if I'll survive another day
Your biggest fear is getting a ticket
As you cruise your Cadillac
My fear is that the tank that has just left
Will turn around and come back

Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Has are world gone all blind?

Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me ...

Ooohh, let's not cry tonight
I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters

See I've known terror for quite some time
57 years so cruel
Terror breathes the air I breathe
It's the checkpoint on my way to school
Terror is the robbery of my land
And the torture of my mother
The imprisonment of my innocent father
The bullet in my baby brother
The bulldozers and the tanks
The gases and the guns
The bombs that fall outside my door
All due to your funds
You blame me for defending myself
Against the ways of my enemies
I'm terrorized in my own land (what)
And I'm the terrorist?

Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Has are world gone all blind?

Yet, do you know the truth of where your money goes?
Do you let your media deceive your mind?
Is this a truth nobody, nobody, nobody knows?
Someone tell me ...

Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,

Americans , do you realize that the taxes that you pay
Feed the forces that traumatize my every living day
So if I won't be here tomorrow
It's written in my fate
May the future bring a brighter day
The end of our wait


Ooohh, let's not cry tonight, I promise you one day it's through
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,
Ooohh, shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers, Ohh my sisters,

[with kids]
Ohh let's not cry tonight I promise you one day is through
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sisters!
Ooh shine a light for every soul that ain't with us no more
Ohh my brothers! Ohh my sïsters!