Wednesday, May 04, 2011

cooking weekend 1

udah bosan sama masakan bengkeles :(
mau ga mau harus masak sendiri deh biarpun ngasal :p
ini nih masakan weeken kemaren

tempe dengan sambal terasi


kangkung tumis kornet

ayam cah kangkung? kekeke

ikan tumis tahu

Monday, October 25, 2010

hobi baruw

yep, i've made a list of activities to spend my spare time here in a new place.
that's because no i'm living in the middle of nowhere. however, i try to make it comfortable for me my self.
here we go:
- learn more and more foreign language
- cooking
- knitting
- jogging
and of course, not leaving my old hobbies.
and because of one and other things... new hobby i can do more than the others is cooking. hope i can do the other a lot next time.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

phew, dah lama bgt nih ga upload apa-apa ke blog ini.... rasanya pengen nulis sesuatu lagi....
but what?....

Friday, November 13, 2009

quote from PROFIT ep. PILOT

well you can't expect everyone to like you
and you can't expect everything to work out exactly the way you plan it
because life is full of surprises
you never really know what's around the corner
but if you do the best you can, and give 100%
then you can go to sleep with a clear conscience
what you didn't win today
you can always win tomorrow
and remember, never lose sight of your goals
because there are some people who really worth an extra time and effort
and in the end i believe if you work hard enough
everyone comes around

8-> profit mang kerrrrreeennn ...kapan g bisa dapet dvdnya ya??????

medan part 1

cobain es krim di tip top

cafe-cafe di merdeka walk
kantor BI medan

Thursday, September 03, 2009

panic room

ampyun deh bos g...
kemaren bilang yang ini, sekarang bilang yang itu
kemaren bilang begini, sekarang bilang begitu
yang ini, yang itu, sebenernya yang manaaa....:p
panic-panic-panic ahhh...
yang ini, yang itu, begini, begitu...g juga yang ngerjain...
maunya selese hari ini juga...
ampyunn, i'm not superman! trai deh...walopun seperti kata jason mraz "eeeeasier saaaiiiiiddd, eeasier than dooonnee..." plis dont tell me that it's easy

somehow it's done ...but where r u now? u've already gone home

gataw ya, saya sampe tremor bisa langsung pulang deh..istirahat dulu biar ga jatuh di jalan.

Ya Allah semoga tidak sia-sia, amien. [-o<

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

saykkoji - you copy my style

yang lagi rame nih...soal kebiasaan tetangga sebelah yang bikin panas ati.
reaksi kreatif dari saykoji yang ngajak kita buat bereaksi dengan hal-hal yang positif. check the video on youtube